Most LI meetings are held via Zoom online video conferencing.

  • LI General Committee (GC or LIGC)

Meets once per month, except August and December, on the third Sunday of each month.

It is responsible for policy decisions in LI. All LI members can attend and join in the discussions, but only branch delegates and LIEC members have voting rights. Branches can send up to 1 delegate for every 40 branch members (or part of 40). The names of any new branch delegates should be notified to the LI secretary. Motions and agenda items for GC meetings should be submitted to the LI secretary through branches.  Your branch secretary should email you with notification of upcoming GC meetings, together with the agenda and any relevant documents.

LI Executive Committee (LIEC)

It  meets on the first Sunday of each month, with the possibility of extra meetings when necessary.

The LIEC is responsible for the day-to-day running of the CLP and implementation of the decisions of the GC. Motions should not be sent to the LIEC unless very urgent. There are 14 voting officers on the LIEC who are elected by the membership every two years. The 3 regional coordinators are elected but non-voting members. Each branch can nominate a representative to attend LIEC meetings, who has speaking rights but is non-voting. This may be the branch secretary or another member. Other members can attend as observers.

All Member Meetings (AMM)

These are informal discussion meetings on particular issues and topics, called as and when needed on an occasional basis. They can, for instance, be used for political education, to present conference motions, or to support campaigns, and can include external speakers. All LI members can attend and join in the discussions.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

This usually takes place in April. The LIEC officers present reports about activities and achievements over the year, including a financial report from the treasurer.  There is also discussion about future activities and plans.

Branch Meetings

Members of LI are allocated to branches according to their geographic location. Some branches have members in one particular city, and can easily hold face-to-face meetings. Most branches have members dispersed over a wide region, or even over several countries, and run their meetings online via Zoom.

Branch meetings are usually monthly, with a branch AGM once a year. Other meetings, campaigns and social events may also be organised from time to time by branches.

Our branches sometimes open up a meeting and invite all LI members, especially if they have guest speakers.


A panel discussion on the Green New Deal at our 2019 meeting in Amsterdam
A panel discussion on the Green New Deal at our 2019 meeting in Amsterdam
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