
Branch meetings: Monthly, first Wednesday at 17:30 BST.

Labour International Africa has members from across the continent and organises around both issues related to the United Kingdom and to Africa. The branch holds regular branch meetings and has become a vibrant space to discuss and act on issues. We welcome any interested member in the region to get involved and would love to hear your input and ideas on what you would like Labour International Africa to organise around.

We have hosted some very interesting academics and activists as speakers in our branch meetings, and have many more interesting meetings to come. As a member-led and democratic branch, we pride ourselves in letting members set the agenda for meetings and the direction of the branch.

We have also used members’ professional expertise in international development and UK aid to organise around relevant issues. For example, we recently proposed a motion on the proposed Department for International Development and Foreign and Commonwealth Office merger. From the great interest we received from members across the globe, we are also spearheading the creation of the Labour International Development Group, a member-led collection of party members across the globe that are either interested or work in the field of international development and want to utilise members’ vast expertise and help direct party policy.

Our branch is proudly active, vibrant and member-led, and welcomes anyone who would like to join. If you have any queries and questions, please feel free to contact us.

LI Africa branch logo
LI Africa branch logo
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